Esmeralda Romero Hernandez obtained her Bachelor degree in Physics in 2008 at
the Facultad de Ciencias of the Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico (UNAM). In
2011, she earned the Master of Science degree (Space Physics) at the Instituto de Geofisica of the UNAM.
Her thesis work was focused on the study of heliocentric
evolution of large-scale structures (corotating interaction regions (CIR), interplanetary
coronal mass ejections (ICMEs) and shocks). During her Ph. D., she studied the
large-scale structures employing in-situ measurements and interplanetary scintillation
(IPS) observations from Mexican Array Radiotelescope (MEXART). She worked in the
implementation of a computational methodology for the spectral data analysis and
collaborated in the development of a new methodology for the IPS data analysis. She
obtained the Ph. D. Science degree (Space Physics) with honorable mention in 2015
at the Instituto de Geofisica of the UNAM. Her major field is in Space Physics focus on the solar
wind dynamics and radio observations.
Currently, she works, as a post-doc in the SCiESMEX, in the development of ionospheric TEC calculation over Mexico.